DOA5 Combo Vid and BnB Compilation!

there’s been recently a lot of solid footage being produced by the DOA5 community and I thought the content was well worth sharing. Sarah Combo guide by 866AiN999 This video is simply incredible. Breaks down Sarah’s combo potential and goes from basics to really high level advanced techniques with a focus on guaranteed setups from …


I would like announce the new tutorial series for DEAD OR ALIVE 5 made by myself. which can be found here: This video is a main interface which will link to a 12 video series that is meant to guide beginners and pros alike through the ins and outs of DOA5 starting from the basics, …

VF vs DOA: Sarah Bryant !!!

I played VF1 and VF2 and I loveeeeee Sarah.  Now she’s in DOA5, I’m kinda excited. I thought Akira looked kinda skinny but Sarah looks swell.  Well, this is a DOA game lol.  Holy crap, missiles? Lol, they really tried to step up those ring transitions!!! Still got this beta sitting on my desk and …

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