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2k2 - K9999

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 23:29
by Archedgar
Old K9999 team thread

K9999 is widely regarded as being very cheap and annoying to fight against. His style is something of what people call 'a priority whore' however, this is far from the truth.

K9999 in 2002 is similar to what I consider Ryo to be, something of an advancing defense. His offensive game is very limited and his pressure chains are not difficult to evade outside of a corner.

His special moves are few and fairly decent , but still extremely broken in the sense that the developers decided to weaken them by making them 'physical' attacks and not 'projectile' attacks, this leads to a problem where if K9999 throws his 'C projectile' at max distance, and Blue Mary 'counters' it, it will suck in K9999 from the other corner of the screen to do some damage.

This also applies to his QCB+K moves, which is a bit 'less' blatant.

K9999's aerial priority is more geared toward air to ground, the hitbox on his aerial moves all seem to aim towards ground opponents, except possibly his CD which, I honestly can't seem to make out. These aerial attacks have high priority and will often trade hits with uppercuts or even outright beat them. However, this has its downside, that these moves have EXTREMELY bad hitboxes.

K9999's air to ground leaves much to be desired. Based on the fact that most characters can stop K9999 with a simple sweep(Chris, Iori, Leona, etc.).

His basic combos are low damage, and he has poor 'low' attacks(sliding, crouch B), he lacks a command throw and as a general rule, his ground attacks are built more towards 'countering' an enemy and not pressuring at all. Personally, I consider his crouching A and C to be the only real good pressure ground moves that K9999 has.

His moves are mostly defensive or for chip damaging, his DM's are ground based, anti projectile/air(comboable). So based on this, K9999 is a character with high defensive capabilities and low offense.

I consider K9999 to be one of the few low tier characters on 2002 due to the horrid hitboxes and slow start up of most of his aerial moves and his mediocre ground game. Discuss the Tetsuo clone and all of his tentacle SDM glory.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 09:33
by PaGaN 3l3m3nts
I've never felt that K9999 was cheap in the least, but I think you play him down just a little too much... His jC > nC > f + A > qcf + A > DM combo is one of THE easiest combos to pull off since all of his moves consist of multiple hits, any of which you can combo from... True, his DM's are impossible for a rookie, but anyone and their grandma can jC > nC > f + A without even trying. He isn't as good as his 2k1 version, for sure, but his new qcb + B or D is definitely a nice addition to his movelist. Personally, I think K9999 SEEMS cheap if you're fighting hi, but if you try to play as him, you'll learn jsu thow little you have to work with, and what a challenge it is to use him effectively. Hoever, if you learn him well, you'll find that his few moves are more than enough...
Bah. I always mocked him for having more DMs than Special Moves in every game. I hope he comes back some day...

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 06:08
by Archedgar
I personally don't find K9999 cheap at all.

jC > nC > f + A > qcf + A > DM
I'm not sure I follow, F+A into QCF+A? how does that happen? BC max mode activation?

Anyway, I admittedly am not as quick with my hands as others, personally I have a lot of trouble pulling off his Close C + Forward A + DM combo, I really don't think its as simple as you make it out to be.

I don't think I'm 'playing him down' at all, I play as K9999 a lot, and I'm a big fan of the character in general, but the truth is, he is underpowered in 2002, his comboability is low, his general mobility is below average, and the vast majority of his moves(normal, special, DM) have significant start up.

If you compare his 'moon' DM to Athena's shining crystal bit DM, you'll notice a large difference in the start up time of each.

I would say K9999 is well above the 'Seth/Mature' tier, but still WAY below the 'Iori' tier...(Iori as average on which to judge all other chars)

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 16:46
by Wolfie
K9999 in 2k2 aint that cheap as 2k1 (double stomp D after anything?). Try beat Athena's far C pokes, thats CHEAP!
You just need to play him wit a lil bit of brain to trick your opp. Im playin him without relying too much of his combos, which are weak anyway. And who cares of command throw. I find his normal throw specially D ver, is so fast your finger almost cant counter it. Best use with him: corner your opp with abt sweep distance.

And dont forget, his T3H HAND still works after normal throw or after knockdown. :evil~laugh:

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 01:03
by Archedgar
And dont forget, his T3H HAND still works after normal throw or after knockdown. :evil~laugh:
Ohh ahh, I had no idea you could land that after his D throw, I'm definitely going to have to try that, thanks for the tip. VERY nice.

Re: 2k2 - K9999

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:52
by DarkFuine
K9999 is really the best male fighter I have ever used. His combos aren't that strong, that maybe true, but if you rely on normal attacks in good combination with his special moves, you can create strong, destructing waves of attacks. My favorite move is his Super Desperation Move "d,f,df + ABCD" and his Hidden Super Desperation Move "b,f,b,f,b,f,b,f", which must be ending in the air. Really strong and cool.

Here some regular infos about the character K9999.

Real Name: Unknown
Fighting Style: His own sheer power
Birthdate: Unknown
Age: 16
Birthplace: Unknown (presumed to be Japan)
Blood Type: B
Height: 1.68m
Weight: 58kg
Hobbies: Working on bikes
Favorite Food: Peanuts
Best Sport: None
Prized Things: His bike
Dislikes: Orders, people who give orders

His favorite slogan: "What's it like to lose to the conqueror of the world?"