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An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 08:03
by IsshunSengeki
G'day mates (loljk I don't really talk like that)
I'm IsshunSengeki, but that's a mouthful (not to mention a lot to type), so you can just call me Sen... or something.
I'm into fighting games. Seriously. I love 'em.
The unfortunate aspect of my fandom of the genre is that I'm not too good at... well, any of them, really. I do try! D:
That said, I still have fun, win or lose (unless I'm playing scrubs on Super SFIV online... then I just RAEG), so I'm willing to go.

I haven't played as much KoF as I should (the last time I remember playing KoF 2k2 was last year, when I was attempting BC combos with K'... I couldn't do them).
Needless to say, my KoF play is really rusty (on top of just not good enough for tournaments :P). Still willing to learn! :D

I've just been trying to keep myself occupied until KoF XIII hits Australian shores. I was thinking about getting KoF XII ($18 at EB Games) until I remembered that it's netplay was considered worse than terrible. After messing around with VPNs before, I figured I might see if Hamachi was compatible with Xbox 360s. I came across this:" onclick=";return false;
Like any VPN/Tunnelling program, it emulates System Link/LAN play over the internet. I haven't tested this personally, but it seems very promising. Not sure if you guys have heard of it before. Unfortunately, I also don't know about PS3 compatibility. *sweatdrop

Anyway, looking forward to good times here, and in case anyone's interested, you can find me on GGPO as 'IsshunSengeki' as well.

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2011 22:57
by hebretto
Not sure wherebouts in Australia you are ... but there hasn't been a KOF tournament in Sydney for a long time ... and I don't see there being one in the near future as well.

If you're keen to play (older) KOF hit up ggpo there's a fair bit of players in the KOF98 rooms now and again.

I (and Remxi) can give you a few games as well just pop in to EFNET #ozhadou ... there's in there play other games as well (3s a2 sf4 ST)

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 02:14
by IsshunSengeki
Haha, yeah, the last time I remember going into the KOF98 room was at about 5 in the evening. The Chinese were playing. All 14 billion of them. :P
Yeah, I'm in Brisbane, so the best arcades I've got are:
Fun House Carindale (Tekken 6, bootleg SFIV)
Timezone Brisbane City (SFIV, Tekken 6, KOF XII)
Timezone Surfers' Paradise (Apparently they've got every SF under the sun, not sure what else)
And I doubt they'd have any tournaments nearby any time soon. I don't want to travel interstate for tourneys just yet. *sweatdrop
But yeah, I'll make sure I drop by the OzHadou IRC channel. Thanks for the welcome! :D

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 03:18
by Foxhole
I'd offer to play something with you but I'm on PSN.

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 10:43
by Dark_Chaotix
Id ggpo you aswell whenever I get around to fixing it up on my comp. I can login, just havent got a stick to play with on PC...

If you are ever in those arcades, keep an eye out for an AZN called Colonov (or Colin). He plays kof but atm he is playing sf4. He is the one that beats everyone so yeah haha. He could give you some good offline matches. Introduce yourself and try to organise something.

He used to be on this site aswell as T.T but he hasnt dropped on here for ages.

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 13:53
by IsshunSengeki
Haha, I'll keep an eye out for him.
So, what's the number of XBL users to PSN users here? If PSN is more popular, then all I've got is GGPO and arcades. =\

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 16:20
by Gunsmith
Well throw another barbie on the shrimp! G'day Sport :p there's a few ozzies here, and one or two Kiwis...

My line seems to be cursed as only SFIV works great. There is no solution to crap netplay at the moment, XIII might be a win or a dramatic fail. 2002um is ok.

If I were you, I would get 2002 / 2002um on 360 and practice combos. If you are willing to put in the time, you will get the wins.

Not sure of the 360/PS3 ratio here, and if you look in the 2002 thread you'll see we have a XBL members thread.

Anyhoo, hope that helps and welcome!!!

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 18:11
by IsshunSengeki
Wow, THE Gunsmith, welcoming ME?! I'm honoured. *bows humbly* :P
Cheers for the welcome.
When you say 2k2 UM isn't that bad, you mean that it's not terrible? I mean, half a second tops of input lag isn't that hard to deal with, but if I can make a sandwich between the time I hit up- and the time I actually jump, then that's a problem. On the plus side, what do you want on your sandwich? :D

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 18:53
by Foxhole
The Gunsmith? Look at his post count, the man is a forum whore.

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 19:33
by Shiny
Foxhole wrote:The Gunsmith? Look at his post count, the man is a whore.
Fixed for undeniable truths.

Welcome, new guy. Stay a while.

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 01:32
by Gunsmith
If you mean whore as in answer questions or respond when you guys can't be arsed because you're off playing street fighter, then yeah, I'm a forum slut whore, pay me now! ;)

Back on topic, in this day and age, quite simply you won't be playing anyone in the US/Europe, no netcode is THAT good. You've got to hang out with your OZ/NZ KOF buddies, so get their details and email them to set up a match on ggpo/360 whatever is at hand! Good luck!

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 02:54
by IsshunSengeki
I can tell that I'm going to like it here. :D

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 07:44
by Apathy Wind
IsshunSengeki wrote:Wow, THE Gunsmith, welcoming ME?! I'm honoured. *bows humbly* :P
Cheers for the welcome.
We'll see if you still feel honored when he stands you up for a Crawmerax farming session.

:cry: ... you cad

Anywho, welcome aboard new blood - make yourself at home

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 18:30
by Foxhole
Gunsmith wrote:If you mean whore as in answer questions or respond when you guys can't be arsed because you're off playing street fighter, then yeah, I'm a forum slut whore, pay me now! ;)
Don't be so literal.

Re: An Introduction + Solution to Crap Netplay?

Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 23:02
by hebretto
Before AE came out I don't think a lot of people went to TZ in Brisbane city but yeah it's abit different now ... but I don't think any of the serious players in the (ozhadou) scene a really all that keen for KOF anymore ... they can play but they are probably rusty (like myself)

KOF kind of died when everyone good got deported back to wherever they came from ...