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KoF 2000 AST

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 04:17
by PaGaN 3l3m3nts
Err... PS... I know it's not anything too significant, but I was wondering if you'd translate the commentary by the composers that's in the booklet for the KoF 2000 Arranged Trax, if I posted scans here?

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 16:57
by Perfect Stranger
Depends, but don't be too hopeful in me translating them any time soon. XD Still translating the KOF XI Arcadia scans, and I'm gonna be moving out of my apartment in the next few days, not to mention studying for finals :P And of course, I'll be in Japan after that till the end of the month, when school starts again, and between that and the missus, I don't anticipate any free time in a LONG while XDDD