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2k2 Andy Bogard

Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 15:24
by kaijin
JUst wanted to start a thread for one my favourite characters in KOF. wanted to trade advice and strats with the best, if they're here, of course. OK, let's see.

i like to use Andy's hcf+K. i find it to be a great anti Air as well as good at avoiding projectiles. It's a risky move if blocked though but it works great for a bulldog type game where you pressure your ooponent, keep them blocking.

His CD i find is also one of his best moves. VEry useful.

My basic combos are C, qcb+A In a corner that combo is gold!
Jumping D, C, qcb+a also.

HCF+C, df+A, f,qcf+C, very fun and i use it more times than I thought i would. strictly a corner ocmbo though. Otherwise after the df+A I just use a uf+C

Any other Andy tips. Maybe some BC combos as well, cause i have no BC stuff for Andy.

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2006 08:33
by Kain
You don't?! Are you kidding me?

Ok, first of all I thought he had lost his qcb+A juggability in the corner. :o Gotta try that. hcf+B is now less reliable in comparison with his D version as the latter pushes the opponent further than B version which can be punished with ease.

I also didn't know you could combo dp+C after dwnfwd+A juggle. Most interesting. I stick to j.C (j.D does not hit, weird...) as the combo finisher.

Oh, yeah, but on with his BC combo. It's not too easy and you should be close to a corner or the last moves will whiff. j.C, c.D xx BC, c.C (1 hit), hcf+P (2 hits IIRC) xx hcf+B (2 hits, again) XX qcf+C - C SC into qcb, hcf + (B)D.

far A and close C are good pokes, still, but you're prone to be molested to death by Billy's c.A. Stand B is a classic good anti-air poke but not as fast as Beni's or Chris'. dp + A is an unreliable anti-air. In fact, Andy should be blocking air attacks and rather pressuring the opponent or he's dead.

New A Zeineken (sp? dwn+bck + A) still confuses people to this day as it Andy barely reaches half of the screen. Therefore, can be used a not-abusable mind-game by walking and then crushing the oponent's block with hcf + P or force them to block again by using A Zainken (sp?) or punish them with its follow-up if they jumped.

Andy's C grab bug has been fixed, no more free stock by kicking people in the air. :(

Gotta find a good use to qcb+C.

EDIT: All against all! *head bangs*

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 15:07
by kaijin
god, it's been months since i came to check this out.

Anyway, i only use qcb+C formessing arround. If one blocks CD then i follow with d+B and qcb+C. Usually works but I don't abuse it.