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Beating Time Trial

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 15:52
by Gunsmith
I've got the trophy for under 4 minutes by using RAIDEN and with the difficulty set to EASY repeated this pattern:

db-f A ---> opponent gets hit ---> (hyper jump D, C, HCF D) x i.

The only problems were Kensou and Duo Lon.

Looking at the top PSN ranker, they used a team of Leona, Robert and Chin. Question is, which one was the main? I suspect Leona, but what's the pattern?

Re: Beating Time Trial

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2009 05:51
by orochan
It's an easy Jump D/C, c.C, Moon Slasher, the only problems are anyone that decides to anti-air you or run away or autoguard

Re: Beating Time Trial

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2009 14:35
by Gunsmith
I've now done it with everyone.

With Elisabeth, Mature and possibly Ash, I've just sat there and waited for them to jump in, where they were met with dwn .C , .C + .D , special/DM. If they recovery roll, if I'm on crack I'll already have jumped in order to land a combo but I prefer when they don't recovery roll so I can focus on getting the timing perfect.

Some opponents like a few jumping CDs in the face. Others, like Kyo and Terry just spam moves and out prioritise anything you throw at them, including DMs.