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Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 03:55
by Perfect Stranger
So I've been given mod status for KOF XII. MUHOOHAHAHA!

This is going to be largely similar to the run I had as the KOF XI moderator, so if you liked the atmosphere of the board then, you'll feel right at home here again. Conversely, if you felt I was a biased Nazi, you're not going to be very happy either.

The rules are largely divided into 3 parts:
1. Topics allowed
2.Expected behavior of posters, and
3.Moderation issues


1. Topics allowed:

- This is, first and foremost, a GAMEPLAY forum. Which means in here we focus on issues such as character tier rankings, individual character strategies, tricks and tips to use system bugs effectively, etc. Most of the threads in this forum will be for single characters, detailing move properties, how to play that character, etc. Such threads should be titled as [Character Name] (XII), e.g. Kyo (XII). I'm sure other threads such as tier lists, bugs etc will come up as they are discovered, so just title them appropriately. If I don't like it I'll just change it anyway. :P

- This also means that posts such as "LAWL RALF IS A FAT ASS" will not be tolerated in these gameplay threads We have a specific thread for that purpose: The Official Rant Thread .

- As the game isn't released yet, I realise that lots of people are going to be excited and want to talk about how certain changes to the gameplay system will affect the game/balance etc. As such, I created the Gameplay Speculation Thread. This is a thread I'm probably going to lock within a few months of the game being released, but until then, feel free to use it to speculate on how you think the game is going to be.

- Aside from the hardcore gameplay threads, I'm sure people are going to be interested in aspects of the game such as Winquote translations, a guide to color selection, etc. These are all fine and good and will probably get a sticky topic once someone creates them.

- Occasionally someone will have a question about things not directly related to the finished game, e.g. KOF XII Machine Sightings or Where to go to buy a KOF XII Arcade Cabinet. These are fine too, but if I feel that a thread is too narrow in scope I'll probably lock and close them once I feel that they've run their course (i.e. been answered sufficiently. or too long has gone without anyone answering them)


2. Expected behavior of posters:

- Posters are expected to be largely civil. By this I mean no outright flaming. You can dismiss somebody's claims as rubbish, but lay off the personal attacks.

- Posters are to expect hate and saracasm heaped upon them if they post something foolish.

- Veteran posters are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to be more welcoming to new people who stumble onto the threads, i.e. cut them some slack before flaming them for saying stupid shite.

- Posters are expected to NOT DRAG US INTO INTER-BOARD RIVALRY. ON is ON, and we will police ON according to what we think is appropriate, but we don't want to have to deal with drama and people coming here from other boards saying crap like "THIS FOOL SAID BAD THINGS ABOUT ME ON MY BOARD". I don't care, I don't have time to care, and to be honest, the internets lulz doesn't amuse me as much as it did when I was a teen.

- Posters are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to share *information* with us, even if it comes from other boards, i.e. if some other board discovers some whacky infinite etc, please post it here. I know some people are real sticklers for crediting the original creator/founder of said information, but to be honest, my main goal is to facilitate the free flow of information. I could care less if people cry about copying of posts from other sources. INFORMATION WANTS TO BE FREE, YO.


3. Moderation issues:

- The mods have final say about any issues.

- If we feel your post was rubbish, we reserve the right to delete it without warning.

- If you wish to contact me in private for any moderation issues, please send me a PM, then (and this is important) POST SOMETHING IN THIS THREAD to the effect of "PS, please check your PM". If I don't get your PM for days and don't reply, that's mainly because it's hard to see when I get a PM using this layout.

- Veteran posters are inevitably going to have a slight edge when it comes to resolving conflicts. This is pretty much an unwritten rule in most boards, but I'm going to make it clear and explicit here - in the case of both parties being of relatively equal levels of immaturity, it's obvious I'm going to stick up more for the vet who constantly posts new interesting gameplay tidbits, encourages discussion, and is generally respected by the community, as opposed to the annoying new guys who spout crap like "LOL KOREAN KOF PLAYERS ARE TEH BOMB I HAVE ONLY EVER BEEN DEFEATED BY KOREAN PLAYERS HENCE ALL KOREAN PLAYERS ARE GOD TIER"


- In summary, don't be a dumb ass, share information with others, and we'll all be happier for it.

That's it for now, but rules will be added as and when necessary.

Edited briefly to correct poor grammar. :P

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 07:17
by Derrace
OOOO New forum, with new mods!! Congrats.. I wanna be a mod too!! =p

Speaking of new threads for XII, you might want to consider having one for vids and such, or maybe move the one from News into here?