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Official KOF MI series rant/bash/spam/rave/cry/whine thread

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 14:57
by SonicTempest
You know the rules...all non-gameplay talk goes here.

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 16:57
by -Defuser-
The Way im seeing Shirakani posting characters,Im smelling alot of Brokeness and it's gonna be hard compling Tier list for this

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 07:39
by khdu
Still no Ash, Yamazaki, Benimaru, Kensou, Shen and Duo Lon in MI2.


Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 17:32
by Persona
This game is shit.

Almost everything is limited (they expect us to play this game SF style?).
Almost every special is SCable making it turn into some MvC2 system where you mash shit and pull off butt loads of damage.
Some SCs don't even make sense.

It looks like Falcoon said, "Hey, I'm too lazy to think of a game system for MI 2. Can't we just make everything SCable so fanboys can mash the hell out of specials?"

No matter what your combo is, it's just going to lead into some super.

The characters look hella nice compared to MI, but overall this game feels like a fanboy's dream rather than an actual fighter. Learning curve is a way bit too easy for my tastes. Feels like a MvC2 in 3D without air combos.

I'd still play the game, but I'm seriously disappointed. I haven't seen a KOF game this bad in a long time (I'd say 2001 is still better than this).

Down with Falcoon and that shitty ass design Nagase.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 19:16
by denieru
lol, since when is Falcoon a programmer? is this a joke?

sure the game may be shit as you say... but dont blame him for it
Persona wrote:This game is shit.

Almost everything is limited (they expect us to play this game SF style?).
Almost every special is SCable making it turn into some MvC2 system where you mash shit and pull off butt loads of damage.
Some SCs don't even make sense.

It looks like Falcoon said, "Hey, I'm too lazy to think of a game system for MI 2. Can't we just make everything SCable so fanboys can mash the hell out of specials?"

No matter what your combo is, it's just going to lead into some super.

The characters look hella nice compared to MI, but overall this game feels like a fanboy's dream rather than an actual fighter. Learning curve is a way bit too easy for my tastes. Feels like a MvC2 in 3D without air combos.

I'd still play the game, but I'm seriously disappointed. I haven't seen a KOF game this bad in a long time (I'd say 2001 is still better than this).

Down with Falcoon and that shitty ass design Nagase.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 21:04
by Persona
Everyone blames him, so I might as well too.

And isn't he in charge of the MI 2 project? If he is, there's your reason to why this game is hella shit. MI 1 is hella better even though that game was broken.

I was gonna buy it orginal since my MI 1 is an orginal but I'm happy now that I actually bought a pirate. Guess that money will be invested for KOF XI.

In all my KOF life, I've never felt this disappointed in a KOF game. Sure, games like 2001 and the EX series might be shit, but it was never enough for me to rant like this.

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2006 23:18
by s_y
But MI 2 has 2 lolis so this game should be better than MI 1 to you!

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 02:25
by Persona
Hmm, you are indeed correct. :kiss:

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 05:52
by BP
Can you give a few examples of the "weird/non-sense SC moves" you're talking about? Besides, I don't think SC-ing would be THAT useful in the game, seeing as to how I noticed that it takes 1 extra stock, and the damage scaling will affect the super's damage by a large degree - making them pointless in the long run.

I sorta thought you'd say that the game would be better, seeing as to how the OTGs and the wall physics nutiness from the 1st game has toned down a bit - but I guess not.

Oh, by the way, is that 10-hit combo limiter still there? (i.e when you try to hit with a combo which is more than 10 hits, without including supers or specials, it'll just knock the opponent away without adding hits in the counter).

And no, Falcoon isn't the producer, or has anything to do with the gameplay/system. I believe much like the 1st game, he's just credited as the artist/character designer. The folks to flame here are the Noise Factory people.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 09:36
by Slapper Joe
Actually during credits roll the first thing that pops up is Producer: Falcoon. His name appears in the credits aproximately 97 times after that.

The pink flash is still there but it's not so much of a 10 hit hard limit this time, certain setups allow more, some seem less. Wall and OTGing seems as stupid as ever though. Supercanceling in general after a string/special isn't the best idea. Typically a single hit into super or super by itself will produce the most damage, so scalling is pretty well done and rewards the faster fingers. Overall it's got to be better than MI1, but that doesn't mean much at all.

Just a shame characters are not more consistant, I've got to say I'm impressed at how Geese's translation has come about, it feels right. But characters like B.Jenet have suffered, stylish chains and her original specials do not flow at all. Sure she has awesome cancel games with her floats and stupid Many, Many Torpedos damage but it don't feel like Bonne.

Almost forgot, number of crotch shots and bouncing breasts makes DOA players blush

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 14:14
by BP
I stand corrected. Even though Falcoon was only credited once in the 1st MI, it's pretty much suprising to see that he even reached the producer mantle for this game. He sure has gone up in the world, huh?

At any rate, it seems like MI2 didn't cater too much with tweaking the gameplay in a large aspect than cramming in as much bonus stuff such as bizzare missions and cameo costumes as they can. Which I'm not suprised at, really.

As long as Falcoon and SNKP have the mentality of the MI series just being a game for nostalgia, fanservice and for 1P "shits and giggles" - serious gameplay advancements and catering to the competitive crowd would be far, far away from the spectrum. And probably, incur more hate towards the series from the KoF veterans or 2D elitists.

I don't mind too much, though. The 2D games (at least XI for now) are pretty much enough to satisfy BOTH the casual and the competitive needs, anyway. I'm still looking forward to check out how Kula and Jenet made their transition to 3D (even though from what Slapper said about the latter, it doesn't seem to be too good) and try Luise, Hanzo, Richard and Fio. Yes, even Hyena, too.

But what I do like so far from what I've seen, is the inclusion of the "originals" (such as Kim and Hanzo) alongside the Falcoon made characters of similar fighting styles. That way, anyone who detests his new designs can ignore them and pick the the other, more veteran characters. Now people won't be pissed at how "that fruity cowboy dude" is ruining Caporeia, since now you've got Richard, SNK's 1st Caporeia based character, to beat the snot out of him.

I'll probably have a better judgement of the game once I purchase it, but I just hope that MI3 would probably correct this situation - where both gameplay and fan-related extras are fully focused on.

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 23:50
by Slapper Joe
BP wrote:fanservice and for 1P "shits and giggles"
Quoted for emphasis. The game is about unlocking the 8 bonus costumes for each character. A lot of the missions are stupid (once you hit lvl 6 and have to run around the arena collecting coins before attacking the opponent you will understand it.) And some of the higher levelled sub-games are impossible for most (90%+) of the cast (poor planning.) But it is actually worth it to see the Karmen Cole Geese or Colossus Maxima, or Neo-Geo Racegirl Maxima.

If they do end up producing KOF2007, I just hope they keep on the path they were suggesting in the ending cg for the Capoeria Cowboy. That would have people dancing on the streets.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 02:46
by Persona
Some nonsense SCs are for K' (well, K' comes to mind).

He can SC his qcf P, for what purpose? It has short range and they're pretty much making the followups SCable.

Narrow Spike after Trigger. No super can connect after it since the opponent flys so far and Heat Driver is so short. Only thing useful I can see from it is against the wall.

dp C, you can SC his f D after dp C for more hits/damage, so what's the use of SCing his dp C in the first place? His dp A isn't SCable too from what I tested, making things for K' more limited and useless.

Only SC you'll be needing for K' is his f D SC after his dp C. And to be honest, that wasn't a well thought plan. In MI 1 you could already connect it with all that SC shit. Now it eats an extra stock and the rest of the SCs are shit or useless.

And about the 10 hit limit thingy, it's now 5 hits, turning the game into a noob fest.

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 06:15
by -Defuser-
Need i remind you even though Falcoon is the producer,he only desgins the character and the cloths.He even said that he wasn't planning the game to be good enough for a tournament,just for good plain fun.We wouldn't get to watch KOF:AD if it wasn't for him..

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:32
by Ermac666
KOF MI2 is a very solid game. Much, much better that MI1 and i absolutely despised MI1. The gameplay has improved a lot.

The only thing that is lame are certain moves look far better in 2d than in 3d. Iori's DP+K look like a joke in 3d.