She's not over her ex

For everything the stupid room can't provide! And Freud!

What should I do?

Destroyed! Move on...
Be friends and subtlely destroy the ex
Be friends and just be friends
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Post by ctrl+awesome » Sat Dec 31, 2005 21:18

Shiny can bend the rules. He lives on the edge!

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Post by Gunsmith » Sun Jan 01, 2006 14:57

just a tad on the rebound, I tried to pull a girl that I blew off a month ago, my dupk failed as she told me off for "taking the piss"

*bends Shiny*

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Post by Shiny » Mon Jan 02, 2006 02:01

You playboy.

As a resolution, I think I'll get back on my A game, and stop brushing off every chick I met because I felt all emotional and sh*t.

I got a lot of play last year to be benched like I that change as soon as I get on the field. ;_;

*snaps like a bitter twig*


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Post by Gunsmith » Mon Jan 02, 2006 12:34

they KNOW when you're on the field

if you could only act like you were benched when you're not

but that will never happen

coz they can sense it

and they run...


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Post by Gunsmith » Tue Jan 03, 2006 13:56

she told me this morning

She's going to spend time with her ex
and probably get back together


I reckon she's lying to get me off her back

I'm going to lie to her and tell her I met someone else

watch this space for the next episode of...

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Post by 7d3j » Wed Jan 04, 2006 12:17

... of 'She's not over her ex'?

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Post by Gunsmith » Mon Jan 09, 2006 02:41

I did it!

Wrong girl but hey...

that makes two bfs I've killed off, I'm getting good at this. Now if they were only girls that I was actually interested in...


---- now read from bottom up-----

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 8, 2006 4:27 PM

Well I guess I should thankyou!


I dumped him - and he texted me back saying that he wasn't playing me and that he was going to tell me on Tuesday that he didn't want a 'serious' relationship and just wants to be friends as we get on oh so well - and that he treated me like shit and he was sorry.

So in the end he was trying to take credit for me dumping his arse. And is trying to find out via text whether I would of wanted to be just a fuck buddy.

Fucking Wanker.

Just thought you would like to know how the story ended.


Jan 8, 2006 10:49 AM

LOL - you just made me and my mate burst out laughing with that.... AND YOU KNOW WHAT! You're totally fucking right... !


I have been there with the whole ex thing... god my ex had been in a relationship for seven yrs too previously and had even been - TRAVELLING together...! Jesus. Could you imagine the pain there - god he did my nut in.... chatting about australia over and over - (he'd been there like eight yrs ago with his ex girlf - get ova it!).

Worst thing the sex was rubbish. Ok... I was a bit naive really and slept with him on the third date. Bad I know. Which is why I was particularly pissed off with him not responding until a week later. Thats just rude. Which annoys me even more that he may be trying to play me.... ! Jesus!

Note. I'm not a slut or anything. Far from it!

Anyway if the other boats were meant to be they'd still be docked now. And doing the honourable thing is always best. Always have a clear conscience. And treat those how you want to be treated - and all that crap.

No never dated anyone from myspace. Had two internet dates tho. One was a wierdo tho...! A complete twat who kept going on about these girls he'd slept with from the net.... (I really don't know how he did it! With those lines!)

So what happened with your myspace dates???? Sounds interesting.....!!!!!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 8, 2006 10:19 AM

hohoho now would I wouldn't like to intrude ...



dump the fucker!


let's go have coffee and chat/watch films instead!

I know the game he's playing and basically you do that when you really don't give a shit about the girl and are just keeping yourself busy while you're waiting for something better to come along. Not that I would do such a thing :3 but now you know.

If you really want to make sure, just go meet him and see if he talks about himself or is actually interested in what you have been doing and what you TWO could do together. Apart from sex.

He sounds arrogant so ditching him will actually be easy, as he'll just blame you or even turn around and insult you. True colours come shining through LOL

Of course you could just say, see you later and simply never text him again/ remain distant. It's called "going off the boil"

So anyway, I'm free for a nice chat after work if you want to moan about relationships more, it would entertain me to bits! The last one was actually someone I met on a job, and we had an amazing romance but suddenly she got fucked up over her ex. I can't really compete with SEVEN YEARS. So she went back to him, and that's that! And she kept on going on about how she wants to travel... now that the fog has lifted I can see clearly the little things that would have eventually driven me crazy... lol

relationships suck

friends are better

yes sir, I'm honourable to a fault -should have kept certain lines of communication open methinks? as now other boats have left for er... other ummm seas?

So I sit on the shore... what a bore.

Ever dated anyone from myspace before? I count ... two...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 8, 2006 10:03 AM

Not tooo good actually... don't know whether to meet up with him again.... for one... he only ever sends texts that don't require an answer. Which really I don't see the point in... I got on with him really well in the beginning but it seems he has an air of arrogance about him and I think he loves hiimself a bit. Last time we met he was going on about some girl in Brussels he just finished dating. I don't know what the point in that was...! But he seems to want to play games... like not texting for a week... which doesn't really mean to hard to get to me it just pushes me away...

I am not even sure if will meet him on Tuesday. My mates don't want me too cos they reckon he sounds like a *wanker* which pushes forward the point - why am I meeting up with him? I think since its been two weeks I just want to see whether he is a total arrogant twat. And maybe tell him so. I have told him no alcohol on the date and would like to see how he copes with that! He is also not very romantic. In fact - it looks already like I shouldn't meet him! Argh. Dunno what to do....I don't want to be a total bitch tho... (am not very good at ditching people!)

So did you meet the 'liittle' relationship on line? And what happened there?

Yea it is wierd how people appear. At first this guy seemed so nice and sweet. But I'll tell you something that really pisses me off.. is when people have been travelling and that is alllllll they evvverr speak about.


Good for not online flirting whilst in a relationship.... (I guess thats honourable!) lol

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 8, 2006 9:49 AM

PLAYA???? Me?? I wish!

I came out of a little relationship a few weeks ago which is why the online flirting was minimal, see? I'm a good boy!

How's your thing going along, well I hope? Or have you found annoying habits and hints of things you don't like already?

It's so funny how people appear one way and turn out to be something completely different....


----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 8, 2006 7:52 AM

You are such a PLAYA!!!! lol...haha...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Jan 7, 2006 1:56 PM

I'd tell you but then I'd have one less place to take you on a date LOL

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
Date: Jan 7, 2006 6:51 AM

without Alcohol..........????

Have a fourth date on Tuesday and would kinda like to not get drunk as we always seem to do....any advice on what we could do in London that DOESN'T involve alcohol...

so far I have

Ice Skating.... (too cold)
Film.... (unsociable)
Theatre... (expensive)
Food.... (I can see Asahi beers...)

ideas would be greatly appreciated......!

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Post by SonicTempest » Mon Jan 09, 2006 02:45


Gunsmith should set up a relationship advice hotline.

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Post by ~!T.T!~ » Mon Jan 09, 2006 04:39

and remind me never to ring up :P

i also thought the use of "dump the fucker!" was also nice and appropriate :) [/quote]

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Post by Gunsmith » Mon Jan 09, 2006 13:53

notice she says the sex was bad (she also said something about the size of his p but I edited it out). Hmmmm. Considering this lady was originally looking for somewhere to go on a fourth date, it can't have been that bad... hmmmm Thinking of another female friend, I suspect that when a girl has a bad relationship with a guy, she automatically tells everyone the sex was bad and he had an extremely small penis....

o shi-

but she's ready to meet me for coffee :smile:

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Post by Shiny » Mon Jan 09, 2006 18:04

Heh, gogogo then.

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Post by Gunsmith » Thu Jan 12, 2006 04:30

uh.. took her out with my mate

she ends up pulling him

it wasn't a date so I suppose I shouldn't feel pissed off

but I do....


I suppose I shouldn't blame attraction, at the end of the day she fancied him not me

but she did come out with me in the first place....

how should I feel? Shall I delete him from my friends list?

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Post by 0style » Thu Jan 12, 2006 04:35

don't delete me becuz of her!

ps - check ur messages u slut

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Post by Gunsmith » Thu Jan 12, 2006 16:58

*changes his MAISPACE TOP 8*

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Post by 0style » Thu Jan 12, 2006 19:03


who's HELS?

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