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Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2006 21:54
by AcidicEnema
Er, I've managed to get jump C (Cross up)> double palm combo> LDM> c.C> f+A> teleport> Infinite to connect twice in the arcade. Didn't have any problems with the teleport whiffing.

Can't really test this extensively cause I don't have a PS and haven't been playing much lately, but its definately possible. Probably depends on the angle at which you cross up.

Ah, Duolon's d.B links to s.C this year, right? So has anyone tried d.B>s.C>LDM> infinite?

To _KC_:

Jhun posted many pages back saying that nothing can be comboed after that. Too far.

On block, however, its a decent set up for high low mix ups. Try this and see what I mean:

(blocked) stand C> df+D> LDM> hop B> d.B>d.A> blah blah

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 07:28
by _KC_
well, regarding c, df d (1hit), LDM, jump b, stand c..connects...whether your opponent is crouchin or standing, corner or non-corner...jump b should be a low jump and just press c as soon as you hit the ground...

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 17:38
by J]-[UN
wow are u sure? I tried that some months back and the jump B would connect but the Stand C tended to be the far version.... (fwdB after qcFA would also tend to whiff)

I suppose it would work from behind though, or if you start the combo really near @_@ Cool

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 21:30
by shura
ok here's the shortcut for duolon ldm

hold ABC then back D

the same trick as ash

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 09:04
by shura
so his ldm activation become:

crA qcfA hold A
fwdB hold B
qcbC hold C

just input backD for the supercancel

Posted: Wed Jul 26, 2006 06:01
by _KC_
J]-[UN wrote:wow are u sure? I tried that some months back and the jump B would connect but the Stand C tended to be the far version.... (fwdB after qcFA would also tend to whiff)

I suppose it would work from behind though, or if you start the combo really near @_@ Cool
yes it does, i manage to do it even if not from a cross-up, also remember to press c as DUO lands, or it will be blocked...

the shorcuts do really work? ABC, then back d?


Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 08:59
by Vastago
hello there! im new to duo lon... i saw him in action the last day and i really wanted to learn how to play him... can someone give advices on how to learn to play with him?? what moves are the common ones? what combos are effective? .... etc

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 14:10
by L1r
I've also been trying to learn him so a rundown on the basics would be aces if anyone has the time, of course, it's either that or browse through the 10 pages and see what we get from there but as I've seen most talk revolves around his LDM combos and those are hardly "basic", specially if you don't use him as Leader.
For what I've seen and what I've played his most interesting combo to start learning would be cA > qcf+P > f+B > qcb+C > cA > qcfxA+Cx3 >*extra qcf+B
His hcb, qcf + P DM juggles so you can do this corner combo:
cA > qcf+P > f+B > qcb+C > cA > qcf+P > f+B SC hcb,qcf+P > E > dp+K
Other than that I dunno, the CPU loves to spam air qcb+K...
Tips would be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 06:38
by Derrace
L1r wrote:I've also been trying to learn him so a rundown on the basics would be aces if anyone has the time, of course, it's either that or browse through the 10 pages and see what we get from there but as I've seen most talk revolves around his LDM combos and those are hardly "basic", specially if you don't use him as Leader.
For what I've seen and what I've played his most interesting combo to start learning would be cA > qcf+P > f+B > qcb+C > cA > qcfxA+Cx3 >*extra qcf+B
His hcb, qcf + P DM juggles so you can do this corner combo:
cA > qcf+P > f+B > qcb+C > cA > qcf+P > f+B SC hcb,qcf+P > E > dp+K
Other than that I dunno, the CPU loves to spam air qcb+K...
Tips would be appreciated.
hmm, I guess everyone has his/her lazy day eh? oh well, I have to admit, there are times where I cant be bothered to browse through every page.. anyway, since Duolon is my fave and main char, I don't mind spending a bit more time here than I want to....sorry to digress.... alright, here's a few quick pointers:

basic ground combos you should do.

Ground Combos.
down A x 1-3, or (you can connect 3 if opp is in the corner or when opp is Back-Turned (BT) )
down B, down A or (use B when opponent likes to block up lots. Confuse him with low jump Bs and down Bs. ) *
down / C => Qcf A x 3 => Qcf B/D. **

I am going to paste the threads I have posted earlier below. and they cover:

palm combos
double palms as well.
use of fireball dm

* if opp figures your high/low game, just jump B and grab (normal grab), or empty jump and grab. then Dp B OTG (on the ground).
** if opponent blocks the Qcf A x 3, do not make it a routine to tele forward. and if do tele forward, DO NOT (I CANT EMPHASIZE MORE) try to spam you down A every time no matter how fast you think it is. It's fast, but it loses to other chars with fast A. You can either do the following tricks:
1) down A tele (use sparingly)
2) down A Qcf A, foward B, Qcf f B. (risky)
3) down A Qcf A, foward B, Dp B. (quite safe, but if opp sees a trend, he can roll/counter roll).
4) qcf A and stop.
5) down A, walk forward and grab, Dp B OTG. (if you opponent has slow responses or like to block heaps.)
6) jump and repeat any of those.
7) E, qcf B.
5) pretty much a variation of the following. There isn't a full proof combo. Duolon is all about skill and trickerly. once you can pull out his moves/combos at will, the rest of it is mindgames, how well you read your opponent and knowing which move can counter which. I won't cover much of that as it's simply too much to type and time is not a luxury I can afford. Gosh how long did this take? Just ask when you need to counter a char's move, and I am sure there are plenty of duolon abled players here that can answer it.

anyway, I would be nice, here's the rest of the post I have made from the earlier pages.

fireball dm:

when u are at a distant, mix your slow/fast fireball DM for maximum effect.
at range, when u do a slow one, you would either force the opponent to:
1) block, so you can go in for an attack or mix-up with your down A and teleports.
2) roll, making him open to down As into combos, grabs or just teleport mixups.
3) perform a high jump over your fireball, which you can then use your hcb x 2 punch dm or jump C/D/E

after doing the slow fireball, try doing the fast one.. more often than not, the opponent would try to shadow jump in an attempt to land an air attack, thinking it is the slow fireball, and getting hit with that fireball. mind you, it comes out very fast. also useful if you know that the opponent is hopping backwards. or doing the bunny hop backwards like (tab back x 2 + down C(kyo's), back B(Iori's/Athena/Yuri).

please, only use this trick at full range. i have tried a couple of times doing it at close range, only to have the fireball go through the opponent.

double palm bit:

But i don't delay my second Forward B.... A few more things I noticed from delaying the forward B. if you start the combo with Down A, you can actually land 2 down A (as opposed to one) after the palm anywhere in the screen. I used to think you can only do 2 down As if opponent is in corner.. having said that, I am going to do try and see if I can get 3 Down A with opponent in the corner.

Also, I have tried Jump C, Stand C, df D, and the Qcf A doesnt connect, but I havent tried whiffing the first qcf A to see if the last two Qcf A hits.
Jump C, Stand C, df D, Qcf X 2 Kick connects... and you actually get a decent number of hits from the DM.

*This was posted much earlier, but yah, you can delay both the foward Bs.

anyway, BnB combos I normally do.

Jump C/B down A/stand C, Qcf A, Foward B, Hcb C into
1) Hcb x 2 Punch DM.
2) down A x 2, Qcf A x 3, Qcf B.
3)if opp in corner, down A, fireball DM (A version), Hcb X 2 Punch DM. No skill stock required. Just 2 power bars.

anyway, I hope this would get some of you guys started.... and sorry for the long post.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 07:10
by AcidicEnema
I've mentioned this before, but his most damaging non-super, non-cross up BnB is j.C> s.C> qcf+P> f+B (delay)> hcb+C> d.A> qcf+P*3.

QS on the second QCF+P for maximum goodness.

Its not *basic*, but its hardly difficult either.

Most damaging non-LDM combo starting from a low hit is probably c.B> c.A> qcf+P> f+K> DP+K> qcb,hcf+C> Jump CD (in corner)

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 08:29
by Derrace
AcidicEnema wrote:I've mentioned this before, but his most damaging non-super, non-cross up BnB is j.C> s.C> qcf+P> f+B (delay)> HCB+C> qcf+P*3.
hey A.E, wouldnt it be possible to add in a down A just after the palm?

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 13:28
by AcidicEnema
Ah yes. Typo. Edited.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 03:46
by _KC_
_KC_ wrote:well, regarding c, df d (1hit), LDM, jump b, stand c..connects...whether your opponent is crouchin or standing, corner or non-corner...jump b should be a low jump and just press c as soon as you hit the ground...
well, i like to correct comboes when opp is corner or when your hitting them from the back (even in non-corner situations)...however when you the said combo midscreen, *sometimes* after jump b, duo's stand c becomes the far c one...

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 12:41
by ~!T.T!~
just a discovery i made with DL, but if you get a close crouching A, qcf A/C, fwd B, hcb C, crouching A, qcf A/C, fwd B, qcf B, but delay the palm, then the subsequent teleport will cross the opponent up and you get free mixup

also, far stand D is underrated. it covers a massive area and has alright priority. same with far stand C, although this can be used more as a zoning poke/defensive move

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 22:56
by AcidicEnema
Ionno about far stand D. Even fully extended it loses to Gato hop D (and yes, the hop D would've whiffed you if you weren't sticking a D out). Its not like say, Gato stand D where most of the limb is hit box rather than 'be hit' box. It also leaves a lot of empty space above him and recovers slow.

The last time I tried using it as a defensive poke against Maxima, he cleared it with a jump and crossed me up into a 1-QS Dizzy combo.

Stand C is better imo cause it recovers faster and has better horizontal coverage.