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Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2005 04:02
by AcidicEnema
Cascade wrote:So wait: You're saying Eiji waits for a guy to whiff a move and then punishes him with his fireball. That sounds kind of like Hadou-Burst for Sean in SF3. Is it that kind of use? It would be really fast then.
Yep. It's that fast.

Posted: Thu Mar 09, 2006 19:33
by AcidicEnema
Eiji's Reflect (DP+P) is good for keeping the frame advantage in general. Especially against the corner. Long block stun+ fast recovery. Get used to buffering d.B and d.A into it.

D Version Pegasus Kick (RDP+ D) has to be done from almost full screen range away, or you overshoot and leave yourself vulnerable. However, it gives a free combo if you connect against grounded opponents (far stand C> whatever), and can be juggled with a jump CD if you connect against air opponents.

It really pays to know the different threat ranges that your opponent's have, and watching out for anything that can be instantly punished with a TENSA ZANGETSU Blade. Oswald throwing a card in the air, Kula jumping to throw a snow flake, Gato doing a stomp roll, etc. Counter damage on the blade is a game winner.

Er. Yah hasn't been mentioned yet, but d.A>close s.C is a combo. Its a 'safer if the opponent rolls' combo starter than s.D. However, s.D does more damage.

Jump B cross up (not hop), like Gato's and Elizabeth's is very useful against characters with strong anti-airs because of the awkward angle it attacks at. Stomp on their heads for teh win.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 03:48
by Tel
I can't remember, but his qcb+P reflects normal projectile too right?

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 05:14
by AcidicEnema
No it doesn't. I think it negates them tho.

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 18:16
by Franz Bonaparta
A boring, predictable, linear yet overpowered character. Jump b, stand D qcf+p/qcb+K/ranbu DM->DC Zantetsu trade mark throw. Wait.. wait.. wait.. opponent jump/roll/move give em stand E/ qcf+A/ Ichigo DM(name according to AcidicEnema) or LDM grab. We turtle, do teleport to normal throw or LDM throw or down+B, qcf+A. Gah.. thats what ppl do rite?? No variations, more simple to use than Shingo(3 times as cheap though) and he has a prehistoric sprite as well. I never liked him ne way... even Gato and Kula take more skill to master. Why cant we get a Zantetsu-ish Eiji? Fast,kool,deadly, fun to play with and against type of char?? I bet he has a huge mole on his cheek, thats why he always dons that blue mask :smile:

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 00:30
by ~!T.T!~
stand A, stand C, teleport mixup crosses up stupidly well. Eiji can be played non-linearly as well, but i guess, you don't really have to :)

QS out of qcf-hcb B/D on the last hit to Oswald for a free LDM

Posted: Mon Mar 13, 2006 21:33
by Max
~!T.T!~ wrote:QS out of qcf-hcb B/D on the last hit
Does it forcefully have to be a QS to add a juggle or can Eiji do a Blue Shift (A+B) and juggle by himself?

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 03:27
by ~!T.T!~
you can't AB shift out of supers or specials (i dont even think you can do it out of command normals either.....but i may be wrong about that one), only normal moves.

i know oswald and his LDM will connect after a QS at the end of eiji's ranbu DM. I'll try to figure if you can actually juggle out of the last hit of the ranbu or if only sure-juggle moves will combo

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 17:48
by J]-[UN
Eiji's dwnD (1hit) dpA is so fucking broken =.=

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 19:23
by AcidicEnema
d.A> d.D links too. Not sure what are the specials that can link after that 'sides QCF+A, but definately better range than d.A>s.C.

Posted: Fri May 05, 2006 20:22
by AcidicEnema
rdp+D can cross up, setting up a combo. Easiest way to get it to connect is against an opponent coming in from a 'corner'. Just do the move from less than a full screen away.

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 23:06
by AcidicEnema
c.D seems to be the only attack of his that can start QS morphthroughs. Does not seem to stun long enough to start any combos, but good for confusion.

c.D is one of the best meaties in the game. It's not only bufferable but also recovers fast enough for another attack if the opponent rolls through it. It's awesome against Kula because its kills wake up Lay Spins for free.

Less obvious set ups for his LDM:

- c.A> s.C> qcf+B (teleport cross up)> LDM

This is a standard throw set up for Eiji. In order to short cut the LDM on this, you start the LDM motion immediately after inputting the teleport, and reverse the motion for the second semi circle. In other words: c.A> s.C> qcf+B> hcb> hcf+ E.

This short cut is also good for LDMing off QS morphthroughs.

- c.D> dp+A> LDM

- stand A (anti-hop)> run forward LDM

- hcb+B > LDM

Posted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 17:03
by Empyrian
Why is it that after a down A, stand C, most if not all Eiji users will combo to qcf P?

Hcb K (D version if I am not mistaken) does more damage, knocks down the opponent, can not be recovery rolled and Eiji is at a position to do funny stuff from there on the waking opponent.